CEPR explores economic policies that affect the US health care and welfare systems. Visit the coronavirus issue page for our latest on the pandemic.
CEPR explora las políticas económicas que impactan los sistemas de salud y de bienestar de los Estados Unidos. Visite la página de problemas de coronavirus para conocer lo último sobre la pandemia.
CEPR explores economic policies that affect the US health care and welfare systems. Visit the coronavirus issue page for our latest on the pandemic.
CEPR explora las políticas económicas que impactan los sistemas de salud y de bienestar de los Estados Unidos. Visite la página de problemas de coronavirus para conocer lo último sobre la pandemia.
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited StatesWorld If You Could Save a Million Lives, Would You Do It?Mark Weisbrot / THE HILL / October 02, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActHealth and Social ProgramsHealthcareInequality How Much Will Trumpcare Insurance Cost People with Health Issues?Dean Baker / October 01, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActCOVID-19Health and Social ProgramsUnited States How Academic Medical Centers Made Out on Coronavirus BailoutsEileen Appelbaum / THE AMERICAN PROSPECT / September 28, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
BudgetEconomic Crisis and RecoveryHealth and Social Programs Post Fact-Checker Buys Trump’s “Just Joking” Defense on Eliminating Social SecurityDean Baker / September 04, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsUnited States Stimulus Checks in Next Coronavirus Package Shouldn’t Penalize One-Parent HouseholdsShawn Fremstad / July 30, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
Affordable Care ActCOVID-19DisabilityHealth and Social ProgramsUnited StatesWorkers Disability and Employment in the Time of Coronavirus: The 30th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities ActHayley Brown / July 24, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
DisabilityHealth and Social ProgramsInequality The Black-White Disability Gap Increases with AgeShawn Fremstad / July 23, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19Economic JusticeHealth and Social ProgramsUnited StatesWorkers Early Care and Education: Necessary Infrastructure for Economic RecoveryEileen Appelbaum / INTERECONOMICS / July 23, 2020
· Op-Ed/Commentary
COVID-19Health and Social ProgramsWorkers Multiple Jobholders: Who Are They and How Are They Impacted by the Pandemic?Hye Jin RhoShawn Fremstad / July 17, 2020
· Article
COVID-19GovernmentHealth and Social ProgramsIntellectual PropertyUnited States The Smart Rx to Slash Drug Costs: Two Obvious Steps to Take FirstDean Baker / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS / July 15, 2020