• Haiti
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Inequality

Event: Our Land Was Like A Gold Mine

Join us for a panel discussion on the case of displaced Haitian peasants and the lessons it holds for accountability advocates worldwide.

view more on Haiti

Haitian Americans: A Socioeconomic Snapshot

/ September 18, 2024

Washington Post Talks to Jake Johnston about Secretary Blinken’s Support for Haiti Mission

September 09, 2024

Senate Report Shows How Medicare Advantage Giants Lie to Seniors and Deny Health Care

Uncover the deceitful practices of Medicare Advantage insurance giants. Learn how private insurers prioritize profits over senior health.
/ October 25, 2024
An elderly man in a wheelchair, wearing a brown sweater and glasses, looks thoughtful while resting his chin on his hand. A person in a pink shirt stands beside him with a hand gently placed on his shoulder. Medicare Advantage.

view more on Medicare Advantage

34 Million Seniors in Medicare Advantage Plans Face Rude Awakening

/ October 15, 2024

CEPR Comments to FTC, DOJ, HHS on Consolidation in Health Care Markets

Before and After the Pandemic: Income Volatility, Health Care Affordability, and Debt

Exploring the impact of income volatility: delve into the reasons behind fluctuating incomes and their consequences on households.
and / October 23, 2024
A man in a mask and gloves cleans a wooden table with a spray bottle and cloth in a restaurant, while a woman in the background also cleans. The restaurant has a modern design with teal chairs and a display of wine bottles.

view more on Inequality

Latino Immigrants Do Many of the Most Dangerous Jobs

/ October 10, 2024

Three Years After SDRs Were Issued, Debt-Based SDR Rechanneling Has Failed

and / October 03, 2024
  • EleccionesElecciones
  • Fondo Monetario InternacionalFondo Monetario Internacional

Las controvertidas elecciones en Venezuela y el camino por delante

Desentrañando la crisis electoral en Venezuela: resultados contradictorios, tensiones políticas y la respuesta internacional.
/ August 12, 2024 12 Agosto 2024
La silueta de una mano emitiendo un voto en una urna se representa frente a la bandera venezolana, que presenta franjas horizontales amarillas, azules y rojas con estrellas blancas que forman un arco en el centro. Elecciones venezolanas.

Más de Elections

Las elecciones en Ecuador podrían tener consecuencias perdurables

/ October 14, 2023 14 Octubre 2023

Lo que está en juego en las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia: Construir la paz, reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad

A person stands holding a bright orange sign that reads "STOP IMF SURCHARGES" in bold black text. They look determined and wear a patterned scarf. The edge of a multicolored woven fabric is visible in the foreground. Other blurred figures are in the background.

Más de IMF

Más DEG para América Latina y el Caribe: una oportunidad en tiempos de múltiples crisis

and y / November 21, 2023 21 Noviembre 2023

Entrevista con Mark Weisbrot sobre las elecciones en Argentina

/ November 20, 2023 20 Noviembre 2023

CEPR examines how government policies affect growth, employment, prices, poverty and health in the world and US.


CEPR analiza cómo las políticas gubernamentales afectan el crecimiento, el empleo, los precios, la pobreza y la salud en el mundo y en EE. UU.


Lo último

Senate Report Shows How Medicare Advantage Giants Lie to Seniors and Deny Health Care

Before and After the Pandemic: Income Volatility, Health Care Affordability, and Debt

IMF Reforms Are Welcome, But Surcharges Still Must Go

14 Congress Members Urge IMF to End Harmful Conditions, Embrace Pro-Worker Agenda

34 Million Seniors in Medicare Advantage Plans Face Rude Awakening

Stop Wall Street Looting Act: More Necessary Now Than Ever

Gun Violence Lowers Academic Achievement Especially for Black Children

Latino Immigrants Do Many of the Most Dangerous Jobs

US Visa Bans Against Ecuador’s Former President Correa and Family a “Transparently Political Attempt to Weaken” the Left Ahead of Elections

The Global South’s Poor Should Not Be Subsidizing the IMF

Estados Unidos debería apoyar los esfuerzos de Brasil, Colombia y México para encontrar una solución negociada al impasse electoral en Venezuela

Las controvertidas elecciones en Venezuela y el camino por delante

No a las falsas soluciones: los sobrecargos del FMI deben desaparecer

¿Qué está en juego en la XIII Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC en Abu Dhabi este mes?

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